personal status:

the Naive is on his fifth cup of coffee at 1 in the morning, two more are on the way.

it is the middle of spring break, so far I have not done anything. sleeping in is nice, but I want to do more. what sucks is that there is no good movies in theaters, no good movies on DVD, no good cds, too much video games, so little time, homework, and the last time I really had any fun was a month ago.

I need to get away from here, for a long time. Not to anywhere that I know, that wouldn't be exciting. I would rather it be some unknown area that I have yet to explore, hell Seattle or Canada sounds great about now. it is getting hot again, drivers suck more this time of year (this lasts until October), people are getting unruly, and I am getting tired (mentally, psychologically, physically, & creatively).

I need to take up photography again, go back to writing poetry/song lyrics,...oh shit, I am out of coffee. I am going to get more, I'll update later today.

posted at 01:04 on 03.18.2004
gone // now // coming

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