personal status:

what is it with my inability to sleep like normal people? who cares, tomorrow is my mothers birthday, and I haven't gotten her a gift yet, but I do have something in mind. hell, my birthday was two weeks ago and I am still getting gifts (except from my dad, bastard). also this commercialized holiday coming up, gotta think about what the fuck to get my family, I am wondering if I should just get them the life I wish I had. fuck it, why am I doing this shit, I am going up at fucking 2:30 in the morning. I am going to go smoke, and get my ass in bed so I can get up, get my moms gift, and finish my three fucking papers due in English on Friday. please, somebody, put me into a coma...

posted at 2:29 a.m. on 2003-12-04
gone // now // coming

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