personal status:Pissed & how to effectively kill off the management of the store
aura:bad feng shui

it never ceases to amaze me, work is a bitch. I had turned in a time off form two fucking weeks ago in preparations for a movie I was going to see tonight. thinking everything was in the clear was a bit to ambitious. last week when I checked to see if I had the day off, I DIDN'T. so I made sure the managers knew about it, one said they handle things. again, I thought I was in the clear...THAT WAS A BIT TOO AMBITIOUS. instead, after me and my brother spent a good hour in traffic and another hour in line for the movie, my phone alerts me of voicemail. so I check it, I AM STILL SCHEDULED TO WORK AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED. WHAT THE FUCK!?! THOSE FUCKING INCOMPETENT BASTARDS ARE FUCKING ME OVER. sorry if I have a personal life and they don't, but that does not give them the right to be assholes. and what happened to my time off form, probably lost with the Zapruder film and the porno from Hitler's bunker. really, how fucking mismanaged do you have to be as a manager to completely fuck up. now I have to go in to work tomorrow (on a day I am supposed to be UNAVAILABLE). heads will roll on this one. I will go in with the defensive, these assholes do not own my soul. needless to say this ruined what was a good day.

oh yeah, the movie, "Garden State" was pretty good. it was obvious that some things were cut from the movie. it was a free screening of the film with free parking.

why does life suck so fucking much?

posted at 03:33 on 08.11.2004
gone // now // coming

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