personal status:Uhhh...& what was I thinking...
aura:Cool and calm

so this guy asks me if we have a 'layaway' or 'rent-to-own' program. I told him no, but I get a look at the guy, and I could understand. He is in his mid thirties, has a curly mullet, and is dressed in a tux (with a t-shirt underneath, it is highly visible, obviously a band shirt). I obviously looked at him quite strangely, but I couldn't tell if he was looking angry, his wrap around shield glasses were obstructing his eyes. I just found this funny, he probably knew 'how to rock' but came to the wrong place. I would use a Journey, Night Ranger, or Foreigner reference here, but it was funny enough.

posted at 01:39 on 08.16.2004
gone // now // coming

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