echoes:Eliane Elias - Dreamer
personal status:apathy & nothing, absolutely nothing
aura:cool, wet, and I just don't fucking care

I've become apathetic as of late, and I just don't give a shit.

my computer is fucking up, I believe my memory units have retained memory themselves (remnants of files that the POS hasn't deleted on shutdown). it sucks, I seriously want to get another and transfer my files and shite to a new HD and redo this system as a UNIX machine. fucking Windows.

yeah, the lack of sleep, the lack of enthusiasm, the lack of enjoyment, the lack of intellectual conversations, the lack of anything with class and culture, and the lack of life is leading me do my apathy. fuck it. fuck it all.

posted at 12.43.00 a.m. on 10.13.2004
gone // now // coming

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