echoes:Duran Duran - Rio
personal status:Mood? Thought?
aura:calm skies and absent winds with a sense of lingering lethargy rolling through the sweat on my brow

these past few days I haven't been feeling well. sunday, after work, I started having chest pains, bad enough to where I blacked out on monday. I know it wasn't heart related, because my heartbeat was normal and I felt intact. so I missed almost all of my classes, even tonight after work. I just passed out. I am fine, maybe since my body has been going through some major changes (cutting out cola, a change in diet, increased productivity at work, etc...) I have been feeling this shite. I was sleeping almost all night, so now I am going to have the last cup of coffee and a couple of cigarettes and I am going to bed.

I am going to be 21 soon, this sucks, getting old that is. yeah, it sucks. g'night!

posted at 01:42 on 10.27.2004
gone // now // coming

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