personal status:

no matter how much you think that you can't do it, you are wrong. tonight alone I wrote a page and a half on my paper. that is huge progress. not only that, but I was able to get the website I posted it on to work. the only thing I need to do is distill the files into acrobat format (ya' know, those PDF files you see online). well anyway if you want to read it, I might be posting an HTML version of the paper online as well just for the ease of viewing without having to have any other software installed on your system besides the browser of which you are reading this from. it is available by clicking this [BLOCK]

there is much work to be done on it though. so bear in mind that it is a working rough draft. now all I have to do is get all my sources together and start going through my notes and incorporating the citations and getting all the shit I need printed off, printed. I have to study for my history test on monday as well as read an entire book and write an essay on it for wednesday. then I have my math homework. why must I procrastinate? I guess it will always be a virus that won't leave me. it has dawned on me that procrastination is kind of like the herpes simplex virus, it will never leave those whom of which are infected.

so far the past day was a strange one. I only got three hours of sleep, working on a paper and trying to find enough credible sources that both support and refute your claims is hard. then I had to go to work, that sucked goat balls. I was sluggish, but I kept moving to stay awake. I then got home and was up for awhile, which surprised me, then I fell victim of a nap. I was awaken to go to a movie, 'Kill Bill Vol. 2' (which paled in comparision to its predicessor). then home to get back to work on my paper. this paper sucks.

posted at 04:01 on 04.18.2004
gone // now // coming

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