personal status:

did I tell you all about my night at work this past Sunday? no? well, here it is in all of its grotesque nature.

it was after closing when me and my felow co-workers were cleaning up the store and preparing it for the next business day. it was when we were walking by the pets department and noticed a very rancid smell. the shelves were in disarray. they needed to be straightened. after doing some of the work, a can of catfood fell. it was open. to make matters worse, it was infested with maggots. the smell was enough to make the manager weak. it was cleaned up after fifteen minutes. it was absolutely disgusting.

I could go into detail, but I know, cleaning vomit off of keyboards isn't easy and there is always that lingering aftersmell that just wont go away. even with periodic sprays of Lysol. yeah, I am going to have more coffee.

posted at 21:56 on 05.05.2004
gone // now // coming

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