personal status:

I figure two days is enough without updating, unlike some people that I know.

I am kidding, well, what have I been up to lately? It is finals week, I took my history final yesterday and I am feeling quite confident that I passed. I think I will be walking out with an B, if not an A. My English final was last week, three days for an in class essay and hopefully it was good enough to squeeze through the class with a C. The Math final is tomorrow, I am kind of uneasy about it. It will be cumulative, which means I will have to study my ass off tonight. I will do alright.

This past week I was working on a fansite for an artist that I like. Click Here to visit, please give me feedback on it if you want.

Today, I have just done a load of laundry and watched it rain ALL FUCKING DAY! TV just sucks anymore, tonight I might watch a movie. I don't know which, I just want to watch a movie.

I hope that my entry a few days back didn't sicken anyone, although I did get googled for it. Rice Pillaf, quite possibly one of my most read entries.

Well, the Jazz music mixed with the rain and thunder is making me sleepy, must drink coffee.

posted at 16:41 on 05.11.2004
gone // now // coming

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