echoes:Public Enemy & Moby - Make Love Fuck War
personal status:Mixed & A headache is preventing my thought process
aura:Its fucking Texas, draw your own conclusion

my day was rather busy:

wake up at six a.m., get ready, brush teeth, shower, dress, cigarette, starbucks for coffee and a sandwich (which was excellent by the way), college, first class eight a.m. is math-0312, second class hist-1302, hour break which I did nothing but mill around the atrium, third class engl-2238(?), then best-buy to look for Scarface dvd (they didn't have it), home, check mail, check email, another cigarette, a short nap, wake up, watch news, watch Brokaw, grocery store with brother, home, change, go to gym, work out for an hour, feel sore, go back to the grocery store for dinner, return home, grill steaks at eleven p.m., salad, crossants, steak, full, wash dishes, cigarette, coffee, check email, check UHB forum, check torrents, scratch chin, decide to update diary, update diary...

now I am going to get more coffee and smoke a couple of cigarettes then I am going to bed so I can go to work tomorrow.

posted at 00:24 on 08.31.2004
gone // now // coming

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