echoes:the rain
personal status:managed

I would update, but I am having trouble logging in. So I figure I should post here, there are plenty of crossovers that were posted here.
I would celebrate the departure of some of the Bush cabinet, but I've noticed that it would be a bit premature. with Rice now being the Secretary of State, I wonder if this nation will be secure. she is obviously not using her intellegence, instead she is acting like a lemming. sure the departure of some of these people is a relief, but who is to say that the passage of the Patriot Act (or one of its bastard children) wouldn't happen. I am obviously worried that this country of ours is not going to be in the best shape.
in the coming weeks, I will be posting an essay detailing my generation's failure and how this country will be facing a major wake up call. but for now, I will just sit and wait until I recover from the largest upset I've experienced.

posted at 00:32 on 11.17.2004
gone // now // coming

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