personal status:

Dean: What makes you think you are a worthy candidate for becoming an alumni of this institution?

Naive: Well, for one, who else do you know that can sit for hours and hours on end and ramble on and on about unimportant shit that no one cares about?

Dean: My wife

Naive: Sorry, uhh, I guess that I would be a worthy candidate because I am the only one that knows how to find out exactly where you live, what you have done online, your credit card information, pretty much I know everything about you. And that site you are a mem...

Dean: Don't say it, ok so you are blackmailing me?

Naive: No, just saying I could use it against anyone that you don't like.

Dean: Welcome to the college, we are looking forward to having you here next semester. Stop by my office before your first class

Naive: Will do, my classes are already paid for by the Dean of this campus' adversary.

Dean: (shakes head) Good move.

posted at 23:45 on 05.20.2004
gone // now // coming

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